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Monday, August 20, 2007

Innovative Planet Antares Vending Machines: What’s New?

If you thought vending machines were just about snacks and soda, you haven’t seen the latest generation of vending machines. From the coin accepting, simple edition, vending machines have come a long way. Now, you can get digital cameras, iPods and many other types of popular electronic equipment.

The new line of Planet Antares vending machines incorporates automatic system of dispensers, refilling and easier servicing. From food products to electronic items, you can purchase anything you want to while you’re on the go.

In countries like Japan, electronic vending machines providing electronic products like mp3 players are already very popular. These machines can be found in busy places like subways, train stations, shopping malls and grocery stores. Recently, there have been an increasing number of such vending machines in the United States too. In the next few years, these machines will become common place as more and more people become habitual of using them.

Planet Antares vending machines, among other companies, offer various payment options like credit cards, bills and smart cards. This is a good feature which enables people to pay through cashless money and get free from the need to carry liquid money all the time.

Surprisingly, such machines are doing very well in terms of sales and profits. A lot of travelers use them for buying cameras, music players and other electronic equipment which they want for their trip or have been waiting to buy. One can only wonder what products will be dispensed by the next breed of vending machines.

The companies manufacturing or supplying the electronic products have the advantage of enhancing their product sales without a significant increase in selling or marketing overheads. They can avoid the trouble of hiring new staff or arranging for stores and warehouses.
All these factors have been recognized and appreciated by product makers and vending companies alike. The future may bring a lot of variations and innovations in the vending machines as they evolve to become even more personalized and technically advanced.


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