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Friday, September 5, 2008

How To Place Planet Antares Vending Machines At Taken Locations

Vending operators will come across many places that already have similar vending machines and hence, move on in their search for good locations. Wait a minute!

This is not reason enough for you to get disappointed or discouraged. The presence of a vending machine in a location doesn’t automatically mean that you can’t get your vending machines placed there.

First, you need to consider the amount of customer traffic expected by the location, their preferences and products to be dispensed to understand the scope of placing your vending machines there as well as serving customer interest.

In brief, the following things need to be kept in mind while choosing locations with vending machines already placed by other vendors:

  • Sell different products than those being dispensed by the machines already present in the premises of chosen location. If the other machine does not offer good quality products or services, your Planet Antares vending machines have greater potential for sales and profits. You may even get a chance to replace the other machine with your own equipment.
  • It is not necessary to find an exclusive place for your equipment. The trick is to offer some unique features or service to attract maximum number of customers. If you are successful in creating an independent brand image, there will not be any problems while sharing locations with other vending machine companies.
  • In locations with large number of employees, you can dispense more than average number of toys or candy for the same amount of money. This will enable you to enjoy ‘word of mouth’ marketing for your Planet Antares vending machines. Gradually, you can cut down on the amount of candy dispensed per vend while maintaining the profit margin.
  • Make sure that your vending machine stands out among the line of similar vending machines. To survive the competition, keep your machine clean, filled and well-functioning at all times. A dirty and malfunctioning machine will not be used by customers again. The best way to ensure smooth operations is to buy a high quality vending machine from a reputable vending machine supplier like Planet Antares Inc to get the best value for your money.
  • Don’t forget to evaluate the performance of your Planet Antares vending machines over time and if the sales pattern is unsatisfactory, replace the low performing products or move it to another location.

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