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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Truth About Vending Route Commission Systems

As a Planet Antares vending operator, you must know that commission systems work well in situations where the employee has a lot of control over the rate of production. Of course, it depends on his ability to work harder, smarter, longer and faster.

In industries where the employees don’t have complete control of the rate of production, commission systems can be less effective. A vending route environment would be one of those industries. For example, a route person who is aid on a commission basis knows that he will earn more if he collects more money on his route.

Planet Antares vending route drivers must learn how to fill and clean vending machines as quickly as possible. They must also reduce the amount of time spent at each location, with the hope that there will be more time to service machines and collect cash each day.

Till now, a commission system appears to be a win-win situation for the Planet Antares operations and the route person. In this way, the employee can earn more commission and the company can earn more profits.

A recent survey revealed that most operators pay drivers some type of incentive. Fewer pay drivers a fixed salary. Some of the vendors pay only commission and other pay a combination of commission and salary.

Other than these points, you need to consider several issues related to commission systems. As the route driver would want to service more Planet Antares vending machines, he may:
1. Drive too fast
2. Perform less than 100 percent of the machine sanitaiton requirements
3. Ignore simple mechanical procedures
4. Fail to take the time to coin test a machine after filling it

Any or all of these factors can create more serious problems than the problem the commission system was originally designed to solve.

On its own, a commission system will not teach you how to schedule a route. The best way out is to service the Planet Antares vending machines only after the machine has made enough sales to profitably justify the cost of service.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Whom To Hire For Vending Business Success

Like any other industry, good job candidates do not stay unemployed for very long. This is understood by majority of the Planet Antares vending businesses. Usually, they are trying for several jobs at the same time. Hence, it is must to offer top candidates with jobs quickly. This can be done by using the right screening techniques and tools.

A thorough employment application has great significance in the selection of the ideal employees for your vending business. It should ask all the necessary questions. Telling the applicants about the necessity to answer honestly will help you in picking the right candidates.

Once you have got the filled applications and eliminated the undesirable applicants, it will be time to interview the remaining applicants for your Planet Antares vending business.

Before starting with the interview, study the applications carefully and make notes about the answers you want him/her to explain. During the interview, elaborate on the pros and cons of the job and then ask if the candidate is still interested after hearing the details of the job. This can go a long way in reducing hiring costs.

When the applicant gives his consent, you can conduct a free credit check on the internet. It is possible to do this within a few minutes. Don’t forget to compare the income and debt of the applicants because those who have higher expenses or debt as compared to their income may want to make up for the gap by stealing from your Planet Antares vending business.

It is obvious that you would like to hire only the best employees for your vending business. This makes it essential to record the information on a reference check and file it.

Remember to call and check up on the references. While some vending operators delay this function, others ignore it completely. Don’t make the mistake of considering this as an unnecessary activity.

Once you have hired the best personnel in the industry, your Planet Antares vending business will definitely have a smoother growth and development process.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vending Products Determine Scope for Profits

On their own, vending machines cannot make customers happy. You will need to make sure that you place them at good locations, stock quality products and do regular servicing of machines.
However, it is not tough to make money from vending machine business. Majority of the facilities keep vending machines in their premises to improve employee satisfaction and cut down on the time spent away from work.

By choosing a reliable vending machine from a reputed vending machine provider such as Planet Antares Inc, you can get considerable benefits from vending business. Still, vending is not just about the machines but also about the products.

Some of the factors that can help you earn easy profits through vending machines are:

a. In order to meet customer requirements, your vending machines need to be well stocked. It is best to purchase products from a reliable vending company like Planet Antares or bulk supplier.

b. Verify the prices charged by the competitors and then fix prices for your own products. Make sure that you can recover your costs and earn a reasonable profit in the process.

c. A regular schedule needs to be set for refilling the vending machines. This includes restocking of best seller products and replacement of outdated or low-performing items. Keep a variety of products in your machines so that customers have more choice and can place larger orders than a single product range.

d. A vending machine that doesn’t work properly when a customer is waiting for his order will have a bad influence on your business sales and reputation. Thus, maintenance of vending machines must be done to ensure that technical service is available as and when required.

e. Your Planet Antares vending business will succeed only when the customers are happy. You must analyze customer feedback and preferences to choose the products stocked in your vending machines. This enables you to build a brand image and targeting new customers as well.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Using Planet Antares Mechanical Vending Machines

Achieving success in a small vending business with unsuitable equipment can be tricky, especially when you have mechanical vending machines. Planet Antares vending machines never go wrong for providing success.

Their programs can help you succeed with your business by investing in a few machines or a large number of machines. This makes it imperative to buy the right machines.

When it comes to vending products, mechanical vending machines are easy to maintain and low on cost. You can easily buy a Planet Antares mechanised vending machine at a reasonable rate. They are known to be the most reasonably priced vending machines in the industry.

A separate coin mechanism is available for each vending selection in a mechanised vending machine. So, if one coin mechanism gets jammed, the other selections will still operating. This is done via the turning of the coin mechanism handle.

Change is dispensed through a side mount dollar bill changer. For smaller accounts with less than 75 employees, these machines do well as they possess lesser capacity and are more compact. Refrgeration is done through usage of power and electricity. It is simple to troubleshoot and repair these machines. In short, you can save a lot of money by investing in these mechanical vending machines.

With high capacity Planet Antares vending machines, you will have to make lesser number of trips to the locations for refills. Planet Antares Refreshment Centers vend snacks, candy, soda, bottled juices and change for dollar bills.

Mechanical vending machines can also prove beneficial for vending operators with their user friendly features. This is essential for customers as no one would want to spend more time than necessary to figure out the workings of the machine.

Planet Antares Inc offers such vending machines that can convert your dream of financial success into reality.

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